About Us
- Engage the people we support in meaningful and fulfilling community activities.
- Encourage and assist our clients to strengthen their social skills.
- Explore and establish activities tailored to each person’s interests.
- Educate society at large about the people we support and how vital they are to the neighborhoods that they live in.
Our mission is to conduct events that enrich the lives of those who are “in pursuit of a purpose”. We accomplish this through social empowerment and self-determination.
Our purpose is to improve the social skills of everyone who attends our gatherings. We introduce the most vulnerable populations in our community to the recreational diversions that most of us take for granted. Zealous Events arranges activities, social functions and other personalized programs to meet our clients individual needs.
The C.A.R.E. (Community Activities & Recreational Events) Program is a curriculum designed for seniors and people with disabilities. They deserve to engage in community activities such as attend birthday celebrations, visit salons, enjoy game nights, have a bowling league, participate in arts and crafts activities, frequent dance events, etc… No one should be making choices for them due to medical limitations.